The Girl Generation


The story of Naomi Shakai, a reformed cutter

Reader discretion: This content may be triggering. Naomi, a reformed female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) performer, shares how the religious engagements changed her views and made her leave this violence. Read her story to see how

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CSW68 Engagements: Survivor’s Voices

As we honour International Women’s Day, we pause to acknowledge the profound impact women have in shaping our world. This connection holds particular significance as we reflect on our role at the Commission on the

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Investing in Survivors’ Voices to End FGM/C

On Zero Tolerance Day for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), we joined forces with our consortium partners and beyond, placing survivor voices at the forefront of our combined efforts. This year’s theme, “Investing in survivors’ voices

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My Journey of Triumph

To most people, I am an upcoming designer and a makeup artist, but behind all the glamour I have a past that I battled with for a while. Today, I want to share my harrowing

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