The Girl Generation- Support to the Africa-led Movement to end FGM/C has developed flexible and adaptive small grant mechanisms providing bespoke funding and capacity-building support to each grantee partner.
The vision of the small grants’ mechanism is to strengthen the Africa-led movement to end FGM/C by resourcing and supporting those most affected by FGM/C and other forms of gender-based violence against women and girls at the grassroots to lead change within their communities, countries, and globally.
This year, 16 grantee partners were selected this year in consultation with stakeholders, in the end, FGM/C movement at the grassroots and county level in Isiolo and Narok counties, Kenya. The approach was also informed by a review of promising practices in participatory and feminist grant-making. The grants mechanism shifts decision-making power around the allocation of grants to the local level, and the existing end to FGM/C champions.
“The ALM program approach is to support and strengthen efforts to end FGM/C that are led from within affected communities and countries. ALM will work at multiple levels to achieve this – from individuals through to national systems and global platforms.” Said Calleb, the Grants Lead.
Warima, who was part of the local grants panel in Isiolo said, “ Until now, we have never seen a process that is both community centred and community led. I believe that this approach will produce the best results, as it allows the community to express what they want rather than the partner dictating it.”
Chief Reson, from Suswa in Narok County, who was also part of the TGG Grants panel in Narok had this to say, “the grants given to grassroots organisations will enable them to reach the most remote areas and educate the girls about the illegality of FGM/C. Girls will now be more enlightened enabling them to complete their education and pursue their dreams.”
The Girl Generation- Support to the Africa-led Movement to End FGM/C held its first inception workshop for grantee partners with the overall goal of building the capacity of newly contracted grantee partners by providing an opportunity to discuss roles and responsibilities of different partners, appreciate project management and agree on monitoring, reporting and dissemination of information as well as safeguarding, storytelling for impact, gender transformative approaches and advocacy.

Grantee partners learning about Girl-Centred programming led by Dorothy Mulei, the Gender Lead for TGG-ALM
- Intergenerational dialogue and raising awareness on girls’ right to education, social-cultural barriers, and attitudes toward girls’ education.
- Engagement of religious/cultural/community elders/women and politicians in Isiolo on FGM/Anti-FGM Declaration.
- Strong and sustained anti-FGM and anti-GBV activities and campaigns.
- Direct engagement of proponents of FGM and traditional circumcisers to end the vice,
Rosaline of WASO Hope CBO in Isiolo said, “The TGG Grants inception workshop has positively influenced our financial management. With the grants provided, we will not only continue with our mission but also give girls a voice.”
“The TGG Grants is one of the best practices we have seen in empowering organisations in the Mashinani (grassroots) through capacity building and funding real grassroots organisations. This is indeed the bottom-up approach.” Ibrahim- Isiolo Human Rights Defenders
Different CBOs and CSOs received small, medium and anchor grants to implement different programmes for the next one year.